Published: 02/2025
There is no specific repair hammer ID in Oblivion that prevents it from breaking. However, you can achieve similar results by having 100 Armorer skill, which will prevent the repair hammer from breaking1. Alternatively, you can use Disintegrate Armor spells on yourself1. Another method is to have different weapons in quick slots 1Console Commands (Oblivion)/Miscellaneous Repair Hammer | Elder Scrolls | FandomRepair Hammer may refer to: Repair Hammer (Morrowind) Repair Hammer (Oblivion) Categories. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional
GoTags:HammerOblivionuesp.netOblivion:Armorer Console Commands (Oblivion)/Heavy Armors - Elder ScrollsTo receive a piece of armor, type in the following in the console: "<itemID>" is the actual item's ID number and "<number>" refers to how many of that item you want.Tags:All Armor in OblivionConsole Command OblivionLiveAboutThe Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Item Code Cheats for PCFeb 23, 2021R The player.AddItem cheat makes it possible to get any item in Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion on PC when you need it. For example, if you know the Oblivion lockpick ID code, you can unlock any door in the game.Tags:The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionOblivion Lockpick CodeIGNRepair Hammer - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Guide - IGNApr 9, 20R To restore them to their natural glory, you'll have to either pay someone to repair your items (at equipment stores or the Fighters Guild) or do it yourself. Repair hammers have Tags:The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionHammerGameSpotGood place to find repair hammers - The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionYou can buy repair hammers at a majority of the stores in the Market District, but if you're low on gold, try killing some Marauders in Rockmilk cave. They usually carry 1-2 repair hammersMissing: hammer idMust include: hammer idGameSpotWhere can I find (repairhammer)? - The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Oct 16, 2007R I need to know if there is a glich with the repair hammers yet or where can i find the most for cheap. can anybody help me out thank you.GameSpotBreaking Repair Hammers - The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionWith me, when I was an expert, repeairing my armor to 5, the repair hammers would be used once and would break. The level of armorer changes how much you repair the armor by each People also search forwhere to find yarn oblivionoblivion how to spawn itemsoblivion object id listoblivion disintegrate armor spellelder scrolls oblivion cheat engineoblivion black soul gem id oblivion repair hammer idwhere to find yarn oblivionoblivion disintegrate armor spelloblivion how to spawn itemselder scrolls oblivion cheat engineoblivion object id listoblivion black soul gem idoblivion item code listoblivion bear pelt idPaginationGameSpotGood place to find repair hammers Console Commands (Oblivion)/Heavy Armors Console Commands (Oblivion)/Ingredients Console Commands (Oblivion)/Blade Weapons Console Commands (Oblivion) | Elder Scrolls | FandomWEBFor commands in other games, see Console Commands. Console Commands are a debugging tool available to PC players, adding a wide range of functionality to the game. The tilde key ( ~ ` ) toggles the console screen open and closed. On most English language keyboards, it sits below the Escape (esc) key, and just left of the 1 (one) key. As with People also search forwhere to find yarn oblivionoblivion how to spawn itemsoblivion object id listoblivion disintegrate armor spellelder scrolls oblivion cheat engineoblivion black soul gem id oblivion repair hammer idwhere to find yarn oblivionoblivion disintegrate armor spelloblivion how to spawn itemselder scrolls oblivion cheat engineoblivion object id listoblivion black soul gem idoblivion item code listoblivion bear pelt idPaginationGameSpotBreaking Repair Hammers Console Commands (Oblivion)/Ingredients Console Commands (Oblivion) | Elder Scrolls | FandomFor commands in other games, see Console Commands. Console Commands are a debugging tool available to PC players, adding a wide range of functionality to the game. The tilde key ( ~ ` ) toggles the console screen open and closed. On most English language keyboards, it sits below the Escape (esc) key, and just left of the 1 (one) key. As with The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind fandom.comConsole Commands (Oblivion)/Blade Weapons Warhammers (Oblivion) | Elder Scrolls | FandomFor other uses, see Warhammers. A hammer or warhammer is a Two-handed weapon designed with a long grip and a head for delivering heavy blows to a target. All hammers in game are two-handed. The head has a blunt end and a sharp end. Effectiveness in using a hammer is governed by the Blunt skill. "Base Value" refers to the actual value without Mercantile or People also search forwhere to find yarn oblivionoblivion how to spawn itemsoblivion object id listoblivion disintegrate armor spellelder scrolls oblivion cheat engineoblivion black soul gem id oblivion repair hammer idwhere to find yarn oblivionoblivion disintegrate armor spelloblivion how to spawn itemselder scrolls oblivion cheat engineoblivion object id listoblivion black soul gem idoblivion item code listoblivion bear pelt idPaginationuesp.netOblivion:Miscellaneous Items Console Commands (Oblivion)/Miscellaneous Repair Hammer | Elder Scrolls | FandomRepair Hammer may refer to: Repair Hammer (Morrowind) Repair Hammer (Oblivion) Categories. *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase.uesp.netOblivion:Armorer Console Commands (Oblivion)/Heavy Armors The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Item Code Cheats for PC Repair Hammer Good place to find repair hammers Where can I find (repairhammer)? Breaking Repair Hammers - The Elder Scrolls IV: OblivionWith me, when I was an expert, repeairing my armor to 5, the repair hammers would be used once and would break. The level of armorer changes how much you repair the armor by each time youPagination