Published: 02/2025
Reddit For BusinessTarget 26M+ daily unique users | Advertise on RedditAdConnect with users actively seeking products & recommendations across 100K+ communities. Connect with passionate communities that deliver results for brands across all industries.Run Ads Across Reddit· Get Your Free Ad Account· Track Your Success· Drive ResultsTypes: Interests, Locations, Subreddits, Platforms, Mobile DevicesCreative Best PracticesLearn the secret ingredients oftop performing ads on Reddit.Reddit by the numbersOver 52M Daily Active Users.Connect with passionate communitiesGet Started on Reddit AdsCommunities that drive actionGet started with Reddit Ads todayManaged ServicesLet our team guide your strategy.Tailored advice for your brand.Client Success StudiesSee results from existing clients.Learn how Reddit Ads drives results RedditPetty, Funny and Ridiculous Deal Breakers : r/datingoverthirtyI just wanted to know if anyone had ridiculous or petty deal breakers that you just cant get over. Yesterday, I went out for a second coffee meet with one of the guys that I text with. First time I RedditWhat are your uncommon deal breakers for a relationship? - RedditA subreddit to discuss and explore the dating process and learn from the experiences of others. MembersOnline. •. Slowpoak. ADMIN MOD. What are your uncommon deal breakers for a Reviews: 301RedditWhat is a silly relationship dealbreaker you have? - RedditNot liking pets or animals. Complete deal breaker. It feels almost psychopathic to me to hate something so pure and innocent. I couldn't deal with that shit again. That lack of affection and Reviews: 8WorldWideInterweb18 Hilarious Relationship Deal-Breakers That Will Have Jul 19, 2018· Over the years, people on Twitter have narrowed down their dating”deal-breakers to some surprisingly (and hilariously) specific traits, Estimated Reading Time: 2 minsNeatorama20 Ridiculous Yet Amusing Relationship DealbreakersMar 24, 2015· What is your most quirky dealbreaker in terms of your dating life? Feel free to chime in below. See the original Reddit link above, and see a collection of graphics devoted to Bustle10 Relationship Deal-Breakers That Don't Seem Like A Jul 30, 2016· Some deal-breakers can seem pretty trivial, such as having a d laugh or "man hands" (I did a whole post on the most ridiculous and Seinfeld -esque deal-breakers people ever admitted to).Attraction Diary70 Funny Relationship Deal Breakers - Attraction DiaryFeb 15, 2024· Some of them are actually pretty funny. Imagine breaking up with someone because they wear socks with sandals or because they clap when the airplane lands. Sounds silly, right? Well, it turns out a lot of us have these quirky
CheckPsychology TodayThe 7 Biggest Deal-Breakers in RelationshipsFeb 13, 2022· Recent research suggests there are seven primary deal-breakers: Being abusive, arrogant, clingy, dirty, hostile, unambitious, and unattractive. New research investigated which deal-breakersMissing: redditMust include: redditVerywell MindHow to Choose Your Dating Dealbreakers WiselyNov 24, 2023· These key things will help you decide what you are willing to deal with and what you want no parts of. Walk into every situation with a fresh perspective, leaving all past experiences at the door. So, choose your Missing: redditMust include: redditBustle10 Dating Dealbreakers & What A Relationship Expert Feb 20, 2024· These can be really annoying traits for anyone to deal with when they’re looking for a partner. For some Bustle readers, they are straight-up dealbreakers.Missing: redditMust include: redditReddit For BusinessTarget 26M+ daily unique users | Advertise on RedditAdConnect with users actively seeking products & recommendations across 100K+ communities. Connect with passionate communities that deliver results for brands across all industries.Run Ads Across Reddit· Get Your Free Ad Account· Track Your Success· Drive ResultsTypes: Interests, Locations, Subreddits, Platforms, Mobile DevicesPaginationRedditWhat are your friendship deal breakers? - RedditWEBThat being said, opinions that deal with discrimination, exclusion and the degradation of another human being (such as homophobia, racism, you-don't-think-like-me-therefore-you're-an-idiot, etc) are a big no-no for me. RedditWhat are your deal breakers? : r/FirstTimeHomeBuyer - RedditWEBMy list of deal breakers has been constantly challenged. We walked away from two houses last week (one because of tandem bedrooms listed as separate rooms and the other because it was surrounded by condos and apartments on all sides, like the house from Up) because of deal breakers that were present.RedditDeal Breakers in Relationships: What Are Your Non-Negotiables - RedditWEBZero tolerance for cheating, violence, mistreating my family or stealing from me or breaking my crap. You simply cease be of interest. Lying, excessive flirting, posting sexy photos online, chatting with other guys (roster) and being disrespectful or dismissive removes any desire for anything serious.RedditIs Snoring A Deal Breaker? : r/dating_advice - RedditWEBI'm up late..I shouldn't be up this late me and my potential gf just had a great night of movies,pizza,wine,and adult fun 😁..she's knocked out sleep and I'm up and can't sleep because she snores like a mf.RedditWhat's a relationship deal-breaker for you? - RedditWEBGet the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now. Or check it out in the app stores Ya know that's funny, I did suspect she might have been cheating but oh well, no way to really prove it nor do I care anymore. it's a deal breaker for many and honestly for me it would require a lot of trust and hard work to ever trust RedditMen, what are some deal breakers for a potential relationship - RedditWEBNot sure if you're looking for an actual answer or not, but it supposedly came from a longer Marilyn Monroe quote during a time when photographers and critics were especially harsh towards her and her body. he admitted that hell yeah she's not a "perfect" woman--She isn't all smiles, she had insecurities, she did drugs--drank too, and sometimes she could have RedditWhat is a deal breaker for you in anime? - RedditWEBI loved the VN so much I watched the anime. They just do Slice of Life so perfectly, and then nearly all the routes are great. Labyrinth continues with the great story-telling, and I cannot wait for Eden to drop (any day now!!) so I can read RedditWhat are deal breakers for you in dating? - RedditWEBNegging, speaking negatively about women or buying into stereotypes, also for some reason I get crap for this but it’s a turn off when I meet a guy and then discover he’s following like 100 sexy models on his Instagram and it’s literally the same Instagram he follows his grandma and other family on.Redditr/dating on Reddit: Should herpes be a deal breaker?WEBHIV is a big deal. Multi-drug resistant STDs are a big deal. No one wants to contract an STI but as sexually active humans, herpes is an inconvenience not a big deal. HPV could cause cancer and can be a big deal. You run the risk of exposure to BuzzFeedWomen Share Their d Relationship Deal Breakers - BuzzFeedWEBAug 8, 2021· Recently, Reddit user u/Cerenia asked women what their dest, most specific deal breakers are when it comes to a potential relationship, and they did not hold back. Here are some of their WikiHow25 Deal Breakers in a Relationship: What You Shouldn't TolerateWEBAug 8, 2024· This article was co-authored by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA.John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find Redditr/datingoverthirty on Reddit: What are your deal breakers?WEBMy neutral deal breakers are stuff like big life goals. I don't want kids, so obviously I don't date people who do. I don't want to own a big house in the suburbs, etc. These aren't judgments of character, just acknowledgments of different life paths.RedditLiterally The Breakers right now : r/DragonBallBreakers - RedditWEBIt's more of having people who you can rely on rather than needing friends. I can still enjoy the game and have fun while playing solo. However, when you reach the point where you're the only one who's even trying and the only other people still alive from not throwing themselves at the raider to feed them energy is the waste of a level 3 dragon change and Redditr/OkCupid on Reddit: [Game] Red Flag or Dealbreaker?WEBI'd say if they call more than one crazy, or say they all all are crazy. One of my ex's is actually crazy. She would break things when she got a little bit mad (like she stepped in dog shit so she smashed her phone), Threatened her friend's lives, she stomped on her dog because it peed on the floor, she pulled a knife out on me when I told her we were done.PaginationRedditWhat are deal breakers on a survey? : r/HousingUK - RedditThe only thing major that came up was the electrics (but my dad's an electrician) and an unstable chimney pot that cost about £200 to take down. If there had been anything more expensive, it probably would have been a deal breaker, purely because we didn't have the leftover cash. Redditr/datingoverthirty on Reddit: DEAL BREAKERS: What are they?This is such a not-fun deal-breaker to have. Why is everyone so deadset on reproduction? Because almost everyone has an innate biological drive to reproduce that has been reinforced by ~1.2 billion years of evolution since sexual reproduction became a thing?RedditWhat are your first date deal breakers? - Reddit/r/actuallesbians — a place for cis and trans lesbians, bisexual girls, chicks who like chicks, bi-curious folks, dykes, butches, femmes, girls who kiss girls, birls, bois, aces, anyone in the LGBT+ community, or anyone else interested!WikiHow25 Deal Breakers in a Relationship: What You Shouldn't TolerateAug 8, 2024· This article was co-authored by John Keegan and by wikiHow staff writer, Luke Smith, MFA.John Keegan is a Dating Coach and motivational speaker based in New York City. With over 10 years of professional experience, he runs The Awakened Lifestyle, where he uses his expertise in dating, attraction, and social dynamics to help people find love.RedditWhat are deal breakers for you in dating? - RedditNegging, speaking negatively about women or buying into stereotypes, also for some reason I get crap for this but it’s a turn off when I meet a guy and then discover he’s following like 100 sexy models on his Instagram and it’s literally the same Instagram he RedditFunny post! Which one of these “dealbreakers” for the - Reddit14 votes, 24 comments. Many of the relationships on the show end in a more humorous way. Which one of these dealbreakers wouldn’t be for you? PleaseRedditWhat's a deal breaker for you when dating? - RedditEdit: because I can’t be arsed to reply to everyone, First of all, I live in the UK so don’t need to worry about health care because we are a modern country. Secondly I’m not bothered if it’s a deal breaker because I don’t want a relationship, I’m only 20 and have the rest of my life to deal with that shite :) Have a nice day :)RedditThe new season 2 content is exciting, but being forced to - RedditThis approach to deal with teamers is like dealing with a cockroach infestation with a carpet bombing. The ability to block and report offenders is plenty and doesn't mean ruining the fun for everyone else just trying to have a good time. Breakers is already a dead game, but looks like it's about to be DEAD dead after this update lmao RedditA person's past can be a deal breaker to me (27M). When and - RedditBoundaries, deal breakers, and preferences aren't beyond reproach. You can have bad deal breakers, unreasonable boundaries, etc. You're allowed to have them, sure. Doesn't mean they can't be misogynistic (or any other not good thing). It's like opinions. You're entitled to have one, bit it doesn't mean your opinion is automatically valid.BuzzFeed21 Petty Reasons People Refused To Date Someone - BuzzFeedJul , 2021· 8. "I went out with someone who has the same name as my cat. I brought him back to my house, and the second I got home, I greeted my cat. The guy looked at me, and I knew right then and there that RedditWhat are your top 5 dealbreakers in dating AND what are the - RedditOk, my top 5 definite deal breakers, in no particular order, would be: Not funny / overly serious - Blames everything on you - Rude to servers / cashiers / strangers - Frequently late- Chews tobacco/ smokes Top 5 that are no big deal to me: Pale (come on now! ) Slightly overweight Dressing poorly/lack of fashion sense Beard or no beardRedditFunny Deal Breaker Gimmick : r/SkullGirlsMobile - RedditFunny Deal Breaker Gimmick Battle Showcase While I was doing a Parallel Run, I got Deal Breaker from the support node, and when I used a BB, the screen turned into something you would see from an old timey tv.RedditWhat are your "deal-breakers?" : r/dating - RedditI won't date anyone who: 1) is religious (unless they're Luciferian or however it's spelled; those people proved to be damn awesome so far.) 2) Someone who has a low sex drive /is generally lazy in bed/a complete vanilla guy.RedditWhat are the deal breakers in this career? - RedditOnce you get down a bit into the real stuff and past that first abstraction layer that everyone takes for granted you'll start realizing a) the internet in general and reddit / stack overflow in particular are littered with barely competent folks asking questions and b) how very few people that understand the real hardware being abstracted away PaginationRedditWhy is it called a deal breaker and not a dil breaker? : r - RedditWelcome to r/FunnyIndia, your source for non-stop laughter! Explore funny memes and news from India, hilarious TikTok videos, and GIFs that'll crack you up. Redditr/boardgames on Reddit: Any Monopoly Deal Fans in Here?There are 2 Deal Breakers, and 3 Just Say Nos in the game. Every player needs this information before the game starts because the advantage of knowing this is HUGE. Keep count of what's played. Full sets are immune to Forced Deals and Sly Deals, but Deal Breakers will just ruin you.RedditWhat are deal breakers for you in dating? - RedditNegging, speaking negatively about women or buying into stereotypes, also for some reason I get crap for this but it’s a turn off when I meet a guy and then discover he’s following like 100 sexy models on his Instagram and it’s literally the same Instagram he BuzzFeedWomen Share Their d Relationship Deal Breakers - BuzzFeedAug 8, 2021· Recently, Reddit user u/Cerenia asked women what their dest, most specific deal breakers are when it comes to a potential relationship, and they did not hold back. Here are some of their RedditHome inspection deal breakers? : r/homeowners - RedditFoundation, mold, termites were the big 3 on my list. Get a sewer scope done but if there’s a problem and they fix it, no big deal. But my fear with foundation, mold, and termites were that you might not actually know the extent of the problem until you own the house.RedditAre micropenises a real deal breaker for Women? : r/TooAfraidToAsk - RedditNot a deal breaker for me as long as they're confident with it. I had my first set of sequential multiple orgasms with a guy with a micro penis. It was 22 years ago and it's still a fond memory in many ways. He whipped that thing out like it was a first place prize - and it was. He knew exactly how to use what he had.RedditLadies, what's your biggest deal breaker? - Reddit1.1K votes, 4.7K comments. 46M subscribers in the AskReddit community. r/AskReddit is the place to ask and answer thought-provoking questions.Redditr/FemaleDatingStrategy on Reddit: Red Flag Or Deal Breaker?I don't smoke, it's unhealthy, it stinks and I won't kiss an ashtray. Couples where both parties smoke won't have "smoker" on their list of deal breakers. Red flags and deal breakers have in common that you won't have a person who behaves like that. You can tell another person what red flags are but you can't prescribe their deal breakers. Edit RedditDeal breakers? : r/dating - Redditi wouldn't say it's a dealbreaker but it matters especially if that's the kind of people you normally attract. i also always attract anime and videogame nerds (everyone i've ever dated) but i hate anime and my favorite games are the sims and fortnite (two games that all men seem to hate for some reason). it doesn't keep me from finding partners but it does become a "thing" eventually. Redditr/datingoverthirty on Reddit: Dealbreakers with online datingReddit iOS Reddit Android Reddit Premium About Reddit Advertise Blog Careers Press. but she has mental health issues that caused her to decide she needed to reboot her life essentially. It's funny to me that an outsider might see me as the one with commitment issues, it's enlightening, so thank you . But my biggest deal breakers usually RedditWhat are the deal breakers in this career? - RedditOnce you get down a bit into the real stuff and past that first abstraction layer that everyone takes for granted you'll start realizing a) the internet in general and reddit / stack overflow in particular are littered with barely competent folks asking questions and b) how very few people that understand the real hardware being abstracted away RedditWhat's an automatic relationship deal breaker for you? - RedditMatched with a girl on tinder and we decided to go on a dinner date. No more than 15 minutes into the date she started talking about meth. It was one of those types of situations where you look at your non existent watch and say you forgot you had something to doRedditWhat are your dating deal breakers and red flags? - RedditFor me, some deal breakers would be someone who has no ambition or future goals, someone who hates animals, someone with a criminal record And for red flags, they're things I can deal with but too many of them together would make me second guess the relationship.